Changing a Circle to an Oval

This calculator converts a circle into an oval area of the same size (the oval results have the same area as the circle).

Circle to Oval Calculator

Select unit:
diameter of the circle {{selectedunit.m1}}
short axis of oval {{selectedunit.m1}}
decimal places #


circle's radius {{selectedunit.m1}}
area of the circle {{selectedunit.m1}}²
circumference of the circle {{selectedunit.m1}}
long axis of the oval {{selectedunit.m1}}
perimeter of the the oval {{selectedunit.m1}}


  1. enter the diameter of a circle
  2. the length of the short axis of the oval
  3. decimal precision, the number of digits after the decimal point


  1. radius of the circle
  2. the area of the circle
  3. the perimeter of the circle (circumference)
  4. the long axis length of the oval
  5. perimeter of the oval

Circle Formula's

R = D ÷ 2
where R = radius, D = diameter
A = π * D² ÷ 4
where A = area, π = 3.14159..., D = diameter

C = 2 * π * D ÷ 2
where C = circumference, π = 3.14159...., D = diameter

Oval Formula's

A = π * la * sa ; ÷ 4

Long Axis
La = (A / (π * (Sa ÷ 2))  * 2
where La = long axis, A = area, π = 3.14159...., Sa = short axis

S =  Sa ÷ 2 ,  L = La ÷ 2
Pa = (S + L) * 3
Pb = ((3 * L + S) * (L + 3 * S))²
P = π * (Pa - Pb)
where P = perimeter, La = long axis, π = 3.14159...., Sa = short axis
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