Changing a Circle to a Right Angled Triangle
This calculator converts the area of a circle into a right angled triangle with the same area. The calculation is based on the area of the right angled triangle being the same as the circle's area and the length of one of the legs of this triangle.
Circle to Right Angled Triangle
- enter the diameter of a circle
- leg length of the triangle (can be either one)
- number of digits after the decimal point
- radius of the circle
- the area of the circle
- the perimeter of the circle (circumference)
- the second leg's length of the triangle
- length of the hypotenuse
- perimeter of the right angled triangle
Circle Formula's
A = π * D² ÷ 4
where A = area, π = 3.14159..., D = diameter
C = 2 * π * D ÷ 2
where C = circumference, π = 3.14159...., D = diameter
Right Angled Triangle Formula's
area = leg a * leg b ÷ 2
Solving the second leg;
If leg a and the area are known, solving for leg b
area = leg a * leg b ÷ 2
rewritten as:
leg b = area ÷ leg a * 2
H = √ leg a² + leg b²
P = leg a + leg b + hypotenuse
Area and Perimeter of Various Shapes
Changing the shape of an Area
Acreage or Building Lot Calculators
Stadium Calculators