Calculate the area and perimeter of an ellipse.
This calculator uses metres for measurements.
Ellipse = squashed circle.
A = ab/4
P = 𝛑R(1+(3H)/(10+√(4-3*H)))
where A is the area of the ellipse
a length of the short diameter
b length of the l diameter
P the perimeter of the ellipse
𝛑 = 3.14159265
R = (a+b)/2
S = (a-b)/2
H = R²/S²
one metre (m) = 3.28083989501312 feet (ft) one metre (m) = 39.3700787401575 inches (in) one square metre (m²) = 10.7639104167097 square feet (ft²) one square metre (m²) = 1550.0031000062 square inches (in²)