Regular Polygon

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Calculate the area and perimeter of a polygon. Polygons with all sides the same length and all angles of the same size are called regular polygons. Regular polygons are named according to the number of sides they have.
This calculator uses feet and or inches for measurements.

Regular polygon = a shape with three or more equal-length sides. A polygon can have an infinite number of sides. The apothem is the measurement from the midpoint of a side to the centre of the regular polygon.


Polygon Area and Perimeter

Side Length ft in n
Number of sides #
Decimal Precision


Length of the Apothem ft
Area of the Polygon
Decimal Square Feet ft²
Square Feet ft² in²
Decimal Square Inches in²
Square Inches in²
Square Metres
Perimeter of the Polygon
Decimal Feet ft
Feet ft in
Decimal Inches in
Inches in
Metres m


  1. the length of a side in feet and or inches
  2. number of sides in the polygon
  3. decimal precision, the number of digits after the decimal point


  1. the length of the apothem
  2. the area of the polygon in decimal square feet
  3. area in square feet and inches
  4. the area in decimal square inches
  5. the area in square inches
  6. the area in square metres
  7. the perimeter of polygon in decimal feet
  8. the perimeter in lineal feet and inches
  9. the perimeter in decimal inches
  10. the perimeter in inches
  11. the perimeter in metres

q = s/(2tan(𝝅/n))
A = qsn/2
where q is the length of the apothem
s the length of a side
n the number of sides in the regular polygon
A the area of the polygon

one square foot ( ft²) = 144 square inches (in²)
one square inch (in²) = 0.00694444444444443 square feet (ft²)
one square foot ( ft²) = 0.09290304 square metres (m²)
square inch (in²) = 0.00064516 square metres (m²)
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