Spike's Calculators

Concrete Volume for Pouring Footings and Walls

Spike VM

Calculate the volume of concrete needed for pouring walls with their footings.

To use this calculator, you need to provide the length, width, and depth of the footing plus the length, height and required thickness of the foundation wall. Your measurements should be in feet and inches as required.

Concrete Calculator for a Footing and Foundation Wall Section

Footings and Foundation Walls

Footing Length ft in
Width of the Footings in
Footing Depth in
Wall Length ft in
The Wall Height ft in
The Wall Thickness in

Amount of concrete needed:

Cubic Feet yd ³
Cubic Yards yd ³
Cubic Meters m ³


  1. enter the length of the footings in feet and inches
  2. the width of the footings in inches
  3. the depth of the footings in inches
  4. the length of the foundation wall in feet and inches
  5. the wall height in feet and inches
  6. the wall thickness in inches


  1. the amount of concrete needed in cubic feet
  2. the amount of concrete needed in cubic yards
  3. the amount of concrete needed in cubic metres

one cubic inch (in³) = 0.000578703703703704 cubic feet (ft³)
one cubic inch (in³) = 0.0000214334705075445 cubic yards (yd³)
one cubic inch (in³) = 0.000016387064 cubic metres (m³)

To convert cubic feet to cubic yards, multiply cubic feet * 0.037037037037037
To convert cubic feet to cubic metres, multiply cubic feet * 0.028316846592
To convert cubic yards to cubic metres, multiply cubic yards * 0.764554857984

When Ordering Concrete

This concrete calculator will help you in estimating the amount of concrete needed for your project. The amount given as needed, does not include any waste. It is recommended, depending on the job you are doing, to add anywhere from an extra 4% to 10% to your concrete order to make sure you have enough concrete to finish the job. Ask when ordering the concrete. They will be able to give you a good idea of what is needed.
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