Convert a running pace of minutes per kilometre to minutes per mile.
Conversion factor used: one kilometre = 1.609344 miles
Example conversion
running pace = seven minutes to run one kilometre
If you can run one kilometre in 7 minutes, multiply the 7 minutes by the kilometre to miles conversion factor to get the number of minutes it will take to run one mile;
7 * 1.609344 = 11.265408
It will take 11.265408 minutes to run a mile.
Convert the 11.265408 minutes to minutes and seconds;
the 11 before the decimal point is the full minute amount. Subtract 11 from 11.265408;
11.265408 - 11 = 0.265408
0.265408 is the number of seconds.
Convert the decimal seconds by multiplying 0.265408 by 60 ( one minute = 60 seconds)
0.265408 * 60 = 15.92448 rounded to 16
It will take you 11 minutes and 16 seconds to run a mile.