
Minutes per Mile to Minutes per Kilometre

Convert a running pace of minutes per mile to minutes per kilometre.

Conversion factor: 1 mile = 0.621371192237334 kilometres

Example conversion
running pace = 12 minutes to run a mile
If you can run one mile in 12 minutes, multiply the 12 minutes by the mile to kilometre conversion factor to get the number of minutes it will take to run one kilometre;
12 * 0.621371192237334 = 7.456454306848
It will take 7.456454306848 minutes to run one kilometre.

Convert the 7.456454306848 minutes to minutes and seconds;
The 7 before the decimal point is the full minute amount. Subtract 7 from 7.456454306848;
7.456454306848 - 7 = 0.456454306848
0.456454306848 is the number of seconds in a decimal format.

Convert the decimal seconds by multiplying 0.456454306848 by 60 ( one minute = 60 seconds)
0.456454306848 * 60 = 27.387258 rounded to 27
It will take you 7 minutes and 27 seconds to run a kilometre.

Minutes per Mile to Minutes per Kilometre

Minutes per Mile min sec


Minutes per Kilometre min sec


  1. enter the number of minutes and seconds it takes to run one mile


  1. the running pace in minutes per kilometre

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