Ice | 50 | Abel, 1961 |
Granite | 72 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Gravel, Sandy | 5 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Limestone | 63 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Loess | 35 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Rock/Earth 25%R/75%E | 26 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Rock/Earth 50%R/50%E | 29 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Rock/Earth 75%R/25%E | 25 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Sand | 5 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Sandstone | 61 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Shale-Siliceous | 40 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Silt | 35 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Siltstone | 45 | Alaska Dot, 1983 |
Basalt | 60 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Cinders | 30 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Clay, Damp | 40 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Clay, Dry | 35 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Decomposed Rock 25% Rock, 75% Earth | 25 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Decomposed Rock 50% Rock, 50% Earth | 27 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Decomposed Rock 75% Rock, 25% Earth | 40 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Dolomite | 65 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Feldspar | 65 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Gneiss | 65 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Granite | 70 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Gravel, Dry | 15 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Gravel, Pit Run | 8 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Gravel, Wet | 5 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Ice | 70 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Limestone | 60 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Mud | 20 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Pavement, Asphalt | 50 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Pavement, Concrete | 50 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Peat | 30 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Quartzite | 65 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Riprap (avg) | 70 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Sand, Dry | 10 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Sand, Wet | 5 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Sandstone | 60 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Silt | 35 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Snow, Dry | 0 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Snow, Wet | 0 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Taconite, Iron Ore | 60 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Topsoil | 55 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Trap Rock | 65 | Alberto Munguia Mireles |
Glacial Till | 10 | Arup |
Mudstone/Siltstone | 15 | Arup |
Sandstone | 20 | Arup |
Subsoil | 10 | Arup |
Topsoil | 5 | Arup |
Basalt | 60 | Atkinson 1971 |
Chalk | 30 | Atkinson 1971 |
Clay, Gravel and Sand, Dry | 30 | Atkinson 1971 |
Clay, Heavy | 35 | Atkinson 1971 |
Clay, Light | 30 | Atkinson 1971 |
Granite | 55 | Atkinson 1971 |
Gravel, Dry | 25 | Atkinson 1971 |
Limestone, Hard | 60 | Atkinson 1971 |
Limestone, Soft | 50 | Atkinson 1971 |
Sand and Gravel, Dry | 15 | Atkinson 1971 |
Sand,Dry | 15 | Atkinson 1971 |
Sandstone, Cemented | 60 | Atkinson 1971 |
Sandstone, Porous | 60 | Atkinson 1971 |
Shale | 45 | Atkinson 1971 |
Chalk | 80 | Bannister And Raymond, 1998 |
Clay | 20 | Bannister And Raymond, 1998 |
Gravel | 0 | Bannister And Raymond, 1998 |
Rock (Large Pieces) | 50 | Bannister And Raymond, 1998 |
Rock (Small) | 70 | Bannister And Raymond, 1998 |
Sandy Soil, Light | 5 | Bannister And Raymond, 1998 |
Clayey Silt Or Clay | 30 | BCFS (1995) |
Hard Pan | 25 | BCFS (1995) |
Sand, Clean | 12 | BCFS (1995) |
Sand, Common | 25 | BCFS (1995) |
Clayey Sands (SC) | 10 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Clay, Low Plasticity (CL) | 30 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Gravel, Silty (GM) | 15 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Organic Silts/Clays Of Low Plasticity (OL) | 30 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Rocks, Rubble, Soft | 41 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Sands, Poorly Graded (SP) | 10 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Sands, Silty (SM) | 10 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Sands, Well Graded (SW) | 10 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Silt, Low Plasticity (ML) | 30 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Silty Gravel (GM) | 15 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Gravel, Clayey (GC) | 10 to 20 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Gravel, Silty (GM) | 10 to 20 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Inorganic Clays Low Plasticity (CL) | 20 to 40 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Inorganic Silts, Low Plasticity (ML) | 20 to 40 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Organic Silts/Clays Low Plasticity (OL) | 20 to 40 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Rock, Hard Broken | 20 to 60 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Rocks Soft, Rubble | 40 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Sand, Clayey (SC) | 5 to 15 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Sand, Poorly Graded (SP) | 5 to 15 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Sand, Silty (SM) | 5 to 15 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Sand, Well Graded (SW) | 5 to 15 | BS 6031 (1981) |
Basalt | 49 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Bauxite, Kaolin | 33 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Caliche | 82 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Carnotite, Uranium Ore | 35 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Cinders | 52 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Clay & Gravel, Dry | 18 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Clay & Gravel, Wet | 18 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Clay, Dry | 23 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Clay, Natural Bed | 22 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Clay, Wet | 25 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Coal, Anthracite Washed | 35 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Coal, Anthracite, Raw | 35 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Coal, Ash, Bituminous | 8 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Coal, Bituminous Washed | 35 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Coal, Bituminous, Raw | 35 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Decomposed Rock (25%rock, 75% Earth) | 25 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Decomposed Rock (50%rock, 50% Earth) | 33 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Decomposed Rock (75%rock, 25% Earth) | 43 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Earth, Dry Packed | 25 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Earth, Wet Excavated | 27 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Granite – Broken | 64 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Gravel, Dry | 12 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Gravel, Pit-Run | 12 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Gravel, Wet (6-50 mm) | 12 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Gypsum, Broken | 75 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Gypsum, Crushed | 75 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Hematite, Iron Ore, High Grade | 18 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Limestone, Broken | 69 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Loam Earth | 23 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Magnetite, Iron Ore | 18 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Natural Bed Clay | 22 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Pyrite, Iron Ore | 18 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sand & Clay, Loose | 27 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sand & Gravel, Dry | 12 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sand & Gravel, Wet | 10 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sand, Damp | 12 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sand, Damp | 12 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sand, Dry, Loose | 12 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sand, Wet | 12 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sandstone | 67 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Shale | 33 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Slag, Broken | 67 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Slag, Furnace | 82 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Stone, Crushed | 67 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Taconite | 72 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Top Soil | 43 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Trap Rock, Broken | 49 | Cat Handbook (2016) |
Sandy Soils (A-3) | 25 | Chopra (1999) |
Adobe | 35 | Church (1981) |
Andesite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Aragonite, Calcium Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Argentite, Silver Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Asbestos | 67 | Church (1981) |
Asphaltum | 67 | Church (1981) |
Barite, Barium Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Bauxite, Aluminum Ore | 50 | Church (1981) |
Bentonite | 35 | Church (1981) |
Biotite, Mica Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Borax, | 75 | Church (1981) |
Breccia | 33 | Church (1981) |
Calcite, Calcium Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Caliche | 16 | Church (1981) |
Carnotite Uranium Ore | 50 | Church (1981) |
Cassiterite, Tin Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Cerrusite, Lead Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Chalcocite, Copper Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Chalcopyrite, Copper Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Chalk | 50 | Church (1981) |
Cinders | 33 | Church (1981) |
Cinnabar, Mercury Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Clay, Damp | 40 | Church (1981) |
Clay, Dry | 35 | Church (1981) |
Coal, Anthracite | 70 | Church (1981) |
Coal, Ashes | 33 | Church (1981) |
Coal, Bituminous | 67 | Church (1981) |
Coke | 0 | Church (1981) |
Colemanite, Borax Ore | 75 | Church (1981) |
Concrete, Cinder | 72 | Church (1981) |
Concrete, Cyclopean | 72 | Church (1981) |
Concrete, Stone | 72 | Church (1981) |
Decomposed Rock 25%R 75%E | 26 | Church (1981) |
Decomposed Rock 50%R 50%E | 29 | Church (1981) |
Decomposed Rock 75%R 25%E | 25 | Church (1981) |
Diabase | 67 | Church (1981) |
Diatomaceous Earth, Diatomite | 62 | Church (1981) |
Diorite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Dolomite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Earth Loam, Wet, Mud | 0 | Church (1981) |
Earth Rock Mix, 25%R 75%E | 25 | Church (1981) |
Earth Rock Mix, 50%R 50%E | 29 | Church (1981) |
Earth Rock Mix, 75%R 25%E | 26 | Church (1981) |
Earth, Loam Damp | 40 | Church (1981) |
Earth, Loam Dry | 35 | Church (1981) |
Feldspar | 67 | Church (1981) |
Felsite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Fluorite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Gabbro | 67 | Church (1981) |
Galena, Lead Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Gneiss | 67 | Church (1981) |
Gob, Mining Refuse | 0 | Church (1981) |
Granite | 72 | Church (1981) |
Gravel, Average Graduation, Dry | 15 | Church (1981) |
Gumbo, Dry | 50 | Church (1981) |
Gumbo, Wet | 67 | Church (1981) |
Gypsum | 72 | Church (1981) |
Hermatite, Iron Ore | 75 | Church (1981) |
Hessite, Silver Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Ice | 67 | Church (1981) |
Ilmenite Titanium Ore | 69 | Church (1981) |
Kaolinite, Dry | 50 | Church (1981) |
Kaolinite, Wet | 67 | Church (1981) |
Lignite | 65 | Church (1981) |
Limestone | 63 | Church (1981) |
Limonite, Iron Ore | 55 | Church (1981) |
Linnaeite, Cobalt Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Loess, Dry | 35 | Church (1981) |
Loess, Wet | 40 | Church (1981) |
Magmesite, Magnesium Ore | 50 | Church (1981) |
Magmetite. Iron Ore | 54 | Church (1981) |
Marble | 67 | Church (1981) |
Marl | 67 | Church (1981) |
Masonry, Rubble | 67 | Church (1981) |
Millerite, Nickel Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Molybdemite, Molybdenum Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Muscovite, Mica Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Niccolite, Nickel Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Orpiment, Arsenic Ore | 50 | Church (1981) |
Pavement, Asphalt | 50 | Church (1981) |
Pavement, Brick | 67 | Church (1981) |
Pavement, Concrete | 67 | Church (1981) |
Pavement, Macadam | 67 | Church (1981) |
Pavement, Wood Block | 72 | Church (1981) |
Peat | 33 | Church (1981) |
Phosphorite, Phosphate Rock | 50 | Church (1981) |
Porphyry | 67 | Church (1981) |
Potash | 50 | Church (1981) |
Pumice | 67 | Church (1981) |
Pyrite, Iron Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Pyrolusite, Manganese Ore | 50 | Church (1981) |
Quartz | 67 | Church (1981) |
Quartzite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Realgar, Arsenic Ore | 50 | Church (1981) |
Rhyolite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Riprap Rock, Average | 72 | Church (1981) |
Rock Salt | 67 | Church (1981) |
Rock, Ashphalt | 62 | Church (1981) |
Sand, Average Graduation, Dry | 11 | Church (1981) |
Sand, Average Graduation,Wet | 5 | Church (1981) |
Sandstone | 61 | Church (1981) |
Scheelite, Tungsten Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Serpentine, Asbestos Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Shale | 50 | Church (1981) |
Silt | 36 | Church (1981) |
Siltstone | 61 | Church (1981) |
Slag, Furnace | 98 | Church (1981) |
Slag, Sand | 11 | Church (1981) |
Smaltite, Cobalt Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Snow, Dry | 0 | Church (1981) |
Snow, Wet | 0 | Church (1981) |
Soapstone, Tale Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Sodium Nitrate, Chile Saltpeter | 50 | Church (1981) |
Stibnite, Antimonite Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Sulphur | 50 | Church (1981) |
Syenite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Taconite, Iron Ore | 60 | Church (1981) |
Tale | 67 | Church (1981) |
Topsoil | 56 | Church (1981) |
Trachyte | 67 | Church (1981) |
Trap Rock, Igneous Rocks | 67 | Church (1981) |
Witherite, Barium Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Wolframite, Tungsten Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Zinc Blende, Zinc Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Zincite, Zinc Ore | 67 | Church (1981) |
Basalt | 64 | Church (1981) |
Breccia | 33 | Church (1981) |
Conglomerate | 33 | Church (1981) |
Diabase | 67 | Church (1981) |
Diorite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Felsite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Limestone | 63 | Church (1981) |
Marble | 67 | Church (1981) |
Quartzite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Rhyolite | 67 | Church (1981) |
Sandstone | 61 | Church (1981) |
Schist | 67 | Church (1981) |
Siltstone | 61 | Church (1981) |
Slate | 77 | Church (1981) |
Tuff | 50 | Church (1981) |
Clay, Dry | 18 | Deryl Burch (1997) |
Clay, Natural | 39 | Deryl Burch (1997) |
Clay, Wet | 18 | Deryl Burch (1997) |
Earth, Common Dry | 25 | Deryl Burch (1997) |
Earth,Common Wet | 25 | Deryl Burch (1997) |
Limestone | 68 | Deryl Burch (1997) |
Sand, Dry and Loose | 27 | Deryl Burch (1997) |
Sand, Wet and Packed | 19 | Deryl Burch (1997) |
Basalt | 64 | Durham University Community |
Chalk | 50 | Durham University Community |
Clay (High Pi) | 40 | Durham University Community |
Clay (Low Pi) | 30 | Durham University Community |
Clay and Gravel | 35 | Durham University Community |
Granite | 72 | Durham University Community |
Gravel | 5 | Durham University Community |
Limestone | 63 | Durham University Community |
Sand | 5 | Durham University Community |
Sand & Gravel | 15 | Durham University Community |
Sandstone, Cemented | 61 | Durham University Community |
Sandstone, Porous | 60 | Durham University Community |
Shales | 50 | Durham University Community |
Dense Clay | 33 to 40 | Earth Moving Fundamentals |
Earth, Common | 25 | Earth Moving Fundamentals |
Loam and Loamy Sand | 15 to 20 | Earth Moving Fundamentals |
Sand Or Gravel, Dry, Clean | 12 to 14 | Earth Moving Fundamentals |
Sand Or Gravel, Wet, Clean | 12 to 16 | Earth Moving Fundamentals |
Sand and Gravel, Dry | 15 | Engineering Geology And Construction |
Sand, Dry | 15 | Engineering Geology And Construction |
Clay Light | 30 | Engineering Geology And Constuction |
Clay, Heavy | 35 | Engineering Geology And Constuction |
Clay,Gravel and Sand, Dry | 30 | Engineering Geology And Constuction |
Gravel, Dry | 25 | Engineering Geology And Constuction |
Basalt | 75 - 80 | Engineering Tool Box |
Clay | 20 - 40 | Engineering Tool Box |
Dolomite | 50 - 60 | Engineering Tool Box |
Earth | 20 - 30 | Engineering Tool Box |
Gneiss | 75 - 80 | Engineering Tool Box |
Granite | 75 - 80 | Engineering Tool Box |
Gravel, Dry | 20 - 30 | Engineering Tool Box |
Gravel, Wet | 20 - 30 | Engineering Tool Box |
Gravel, Wet With Clay | 50 - 60 | Engineering Tool Box |
Limestone | 75 - 80 | Engineering Tool Box |
Loam | 15 - 25 | Engineering Tool Box |
Quartz | 75 - 80 | Engineering Tool Box |
Rock | 40 - 80 | Engineering Tool Box |
Sand, Dry | 20 - 30 | Engineering Tool Box |
Sand, Wet | 20 - 30 | Engineering Tool Box |
Sandstone | 75 - 80 | Engineering Tool Box |
Slate | 85 - 90 | Engineering Tool Box |
Soil | 20 - 30 | Engineering Tool Box |
Blasted Rock | 40 to 60 | Estimating Building Cost |
Clay | 20 to 35 | Estimating Building Cost |
Loam, Sandy | 10 to 20 | Estimating Building Cost |
Sand and Gravel | 10 to 18 | Estimating Building Cost |
Topsoil | 25 to 35 | Estimating Building Cost |
Andesite | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Basalt | 64 | FHWA 2007 |
Bentonite | 35 | FHWA 2007 |
Breccia | 33 | FHWA 2007 |
Calcite-Calcium | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Caliche | 16 | FHWA 2007 |
Chalk | 50 | FHWA 2007 |
Cinders | 33 | FHWA 2007 |
Clay, Damp | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Clay, Dry | 50 | FHWA 2007 |
Conglomerate | 33 | FHWA 2007 |
Decomposed Rock 25%R 75%E | 43 | FHWA 2007 |
Decomposed Rock 50%R 50%E | 38 | FHWA 2007 |
Decomposed Rock 75%R 25%E | 31 | FHWA 2007 |
Diatomaceous Earth | 62 | FHWA 2007 |
Diorite | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Dolomite | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Earth, Loam Dry | 50 | FHWA 2007 |
Earth, Loam, Damp | 43 | FHWA 2007 |
Earth, Loam, Wet, Mud | 0 | FHWA 2007 |
Feldspar | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Gabbro | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Gneiss | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Granite | 72 | FHWA 2007 |
Gravel, Dry, Average Graduation | 20 | FHWA 2007 |
Gravel, Dry, Uniformly Graded | 10 | FHWA 2007 |
Gravel, Dry, Well Graded | 33 | FHWA 2007 |
Gravel, Wet, Average Graduation | 10 | FHWA 2007 |
Gravel, Wet, Uniformly Graded | 5 | FHWA 2007 |
Gravel, Wet, Well Graded | 16 | FHWA 2007 |
Gumbo, Dry | 50 | FHWA 2007 |
Gumbo, Wet | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Ingeous Rocks | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Kaolinite, Dry | 50 | FHWA 2007 |
Kaolinite, Wet | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Limestone | 63 | FHWA 2007 |
Loess, Dry | 50 | FHWA 2007 |
Loess, Wet | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Marble | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Marl | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Masonry, Rubble | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Mica | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Pavement, Asphalt | 50 | FHWA 2007 |
Pavement, Brick | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Pavement, Concrete | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Pavement, Macadam | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Peat | 33 | FHWA 2007 |
Pumice | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Quartz | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Quartzite | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Rhyolite | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Riprap Rock | 72 | FHWA 2007 |
Sand, Dry | 11 | FHWA 2007 |
Sand, Wet | 5 | FHWA 2007 |
Sandstone | 61 | FHWA 2007 |
Schist | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Shale | 36 | FHWA 2007 |
Shale | 79 | FHWA 2007 |
Siltstone | 61 | FHWA 2007 |
Slate | 77 | FHWA 2007 |
Talc | 67 | FHWA 2007 |
Topsoil | 56 | FHWA 2007 |
Tuff | 50 | FHWA 2007 |
Andesite | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Asphalt Pavement | 49 | FLH (1996) |
Basalt | 64 | FLH (1996) |
Bentonite | 35 | FLH (1996) |
Breccia | 33 | FLH (1996) |
Brick Pavement | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Calcite-Calcium | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Caliche | 16 | FLH (1996) |
Chalk | 49 | FLH (1996) |
Cinders | 33 | FLH (1996) |
Clay, Damp | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Clay, Dry | 49 | FLH (1996) |
Concrete, Pavement | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Conglomerate | 33 | FLH (1996) |
Decomposed Rock, 25% R. 75% E. | 43 | FLH (1996) |
Decomposed Rock, 50% R. 50% E. | 39 | FLH (1996) |
Decomposed Rock, 75% R. 25% E. | 32 | FLH (1996) |
Diatomaceous Earth | 61 | FLH (1996) |
Diorite | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Dolomite | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Feldspar | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Gabbro | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Gneiss | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Granite | 72 | FLH (1996) |
Gumbo, Dry | 49 | FLH (1996) |
Gumbo, Wet | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Gypsum | 72 | FLH (1996) |
Igneous Rocks | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Kaolinite, Dry | 49 | FLH (1996) |
Kaolinite, Wet | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Limestone | 64 | FLH (1996) |
Loam, Damp Earth | 43 | FLH (1996) |
Loam, Dry Earth | 49 | FLH (1996) |
Loam, Wet, Mud Earth | 0 | FLH (1996) |
Loess, Dry | 49 | FLH (1996) |
Loess, Wet | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Macadam Pavement | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Marble | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Marl | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Masonry, Rubble | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Mica | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Peat | 33 | FLH (1996) |
Pumice | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Quartz | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Quartzite | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Rhyolite | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Riprap Rock | 72 | FLH (1996) |
Sand, Dry | 11 | FLH (1996) |
Sand, Wet | 5 | FLH (1996) |
Sandstone | 61 | FLH (1996) |
Schist | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Shale | 79 | FLH (1996) |
Silt | 35 | FLH (1996) |
Slate | 79 | FLH (1996) |
Talc | 67 | FLH (1996) |
Top Soil | 56 | FLH (1996) |
Tuff | 49 | FLH (1996) |
Clay | 20 to 40 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Clay. Organic | 20 to 40 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Gravelly Clays | 20 to 40 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Gravels | 10 to 15 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Rocks Metamorphic | 30 to 60 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Rocks, Igneous | 50 to 80 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Rocks, Sedimentary | 40 to 70 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Rocks, Soft | 30 to 40 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Sand, Uniform | 10 to 15 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Sand, well graded (SW) | 10 to 15 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Topsoil/Peat | 25 to 45 | Handbook Of Geotechnical Investigation And Design |
Bauxite, Run Of Mine | 33 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Clay and Gravel Dry | 41 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Clay, Compact, Natural Bed | 33 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Clay, Dense, Tough Or Wet | 34 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Clay, Dry | 25 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Clay, Light, Kaolin | 30 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Coal, Anthracite | 35 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Coal, Bituminous | 35 to 40 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Earth, Rock | 31 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Gneiss | 75 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Granite | 50 to 86 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Granite and Porphyry | 75 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Gravel, Dry | 12 to 98 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Gravel, Wet | 10 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Gypsum | 50 to 63 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Iron Ore, Hematite | 67 to 122 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Iron Ore, Taconite | 40 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Kaolin | 30 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Limestone | 65 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Limestone, Blasted | 68 to 75 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Limestone, Marble | 68 to 75 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Mud, Dry | 21 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Mud, Wet | 20 to 21 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Rock, Stone, Crushed | 35 to 36 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Rock, Well Blasted | 49 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Sand and Gravel, Dry | 14 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Sand and Gravel, Wet | 15 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Sand, Dry | 10 to 16 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Sand, Moist | 15 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Sandstone | 39 to 50 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Shale, Riprap | 33 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Slag | 24 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Slate | 29 to 30 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Stone, Crushed | 35 to 36 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Trap Rock | 49 to 52 | Hartman, H.L., 1982 |
Clay | 30 | Hashemite University |
Earth, Common | 25 | Hashemite University |
Rock, Blasted | 50 | Hashemite University |
Sand and Gravel, Dry | 12 | Hashemite University |
Dense Clay | 20 to 35 | Helton (2007) |
Gravel | 10 to 19 | Helton (2007) |
Loam | 15 to 25 | Helton (2007) |
Rock, Solid | 42 to 61 | Helton (2007) |
Chalk | 30-40 | Horner, 1988 |
Cohesive Soil | 20-40 | Horner, 1988 |
Granular Soil | 10-15 | Horner, 1988 |
Igneous Rocks | 50-80 | Horner, 1988 |
Metamorphic Rocks | 30-65 | Horner, 1988 |
Peat | 25-45 | Horner, 1988 |
Sedimentary Rocks | 40-75 | Horner, 1988 |
Topsoil | 25-45 | Horner, 1988 |
Igneous Rocks | 50 to 80 | Horner, 1988 |
Metamorphic | 30 to 65 | Horner, 1988 |
Clay's | 30 | Look(2007) |
Gravelly Clay's | 30 | Look(2007) |
Gravels | 12 | Look(2007) |
Igneous Rocks | 61 | Look(2007) |
Metamorphic Rocks | 43 | Look(2007) |
Organic Clays | 30 | Look(2007) |
Peat/Topsoil | 33 | Look(2007) |
Rocks, Soft | 35 | Look(2007) |
Sand, Uniform | 12 | Look(2007) |
Sand, Well Graded (SW) | 12 | Look(2007) |
Sedimentary Rocks | 54 | Look(2007) |
Coal | 30 to 35 | Lopez Jimeno Et Al. 1995 |
Copper Ore | 50 to 60 | Lopez Jimeno Et Al. 1995 |
Iron, Ore | 40 to 60 | Lopez Jimeno Et Al. 1995 |
Clay, Boulder | 45 | Methvin |
Clay/Chalk | 40 | Methvin |
Gravel | 33 | Methvin |
Rock | 60 | Methvin |
Sand/Soil | 15-20 | Methvin |
Clay | 30 | Nunally Sw 1998 |
Earth, Common | 25 | Nunally Sw 1998 |
Rock , Blasted | 50 | Nunally Sw 1998 |
Sand and Gravel | 12 | Nunally Sw 1998 |
Alluvium | 10 to 15 | Nz Transport Agency |
Dune Sand | 0 to 10 | Nz Transport Agency |
Dolomite | 66 | Peele (1961) |
Gneiss | 75 | Peele (1961) |
Granite and Porphyry | 76 | Peele (1961) |
Greenstone & Trap | 81 | Peele (1961) |
Limestone | 75 | Peele (1961) |
Quartz | 76 | Peele (1961) |
Sandstone | 79 | Peele (1961) |
Slate | 84 | Peele (1961) |
Clay, Dry | 35 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Clay, Wet | 35 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Earth and Gravel | 20 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Earth, Dry | 25 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Earth, Wet | 25 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Gravel, Dry | 12 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Gravel, Wet | 14 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Limestone | 59 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Rock, Well Blasted | 59 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Sand, Dry | 15 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Sand, Wet | 15 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Shale | 41 | Peurifoy And Schexnayder (2006) |
Clay and Gravel, Dry | 40 | Projectengineer |
Clay and Gravel, Wet | 40 | Projectengineer |
Clay, Dry | 40 | Projectengineer |
Clay, Wet | 40 | Projectengineer |
Coal, Anthracite | 35 | Projectengineer |
Coal, Bituminous | 35 | Projectengineer |
Earth, Loam, Dry | 25 | Projectengineer |
Earth, Loam, Wet | 25 | Projectengineer |
Gravel, Dry | 12 | Projectengineer |
Gravel, Wet | 12 | Projectengineer |
Gypsum | 74 | Projectengineer |
Hardpan | 50 | Projectengineer |
Limestone | 67 | Projectengineer |
Rock, Well Blasted | 65 | Projectengineer |
Sand, Dry | 12 | Projectengineer |
Sand, Wet | 12 | Projectengineer |
Sandstone | 54 | Projectengineer |
Shale and Soft Rock | 65 | Projectengineer |
Slate | 65 | Projectengineer |
Trap Rock | 65 | Projectengineer |
Basalt | 60 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Clay, Damp | 40 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Clay, Dry | 35 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Gravel, Dry | 15 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Gravel, Pit Run | 8 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Gravel, Wet | 5 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Mud | 20 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Sand, Dry | 10 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Sand, Wet | 5 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Silt | 35 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Topsoil | 55 | Quality Control In Earthwork Operations |
Clay, Heavy (CH) | 45 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Clay, Sandy (SC) | 20 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Clay, Sandy and Clayey (GW) | 15 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Clay, Silty (CL) | 30 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Sand, Uniformly Graded (SP) | 10 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Sand, Well Graded (SW) | 15 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Sandstone, Highly Weathered | 30 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Sandstone, Un-weathered | 50 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Shale, Unweathered | 35 | Soil And Rock, U. Of New South Wales |
Basalt | 50 to 80 | Soil Mechanics |
Chalk | 30 to 50 | Soil Mechanics |
Clay | 20 to 30 | Soil Mechanics |
Coal | 30 to 40 | Soil Mechanics |
Gneiss | 50 to 80 | Soil Mechanics |
Granite | 50 to 80 | Soil Mechanics |
Gravel | 12 to 18 | Soil Mechanics |
Limestone | 50 to 70 | Soil Mechanics |
Mudstone | 30 to 50 | Soil Mechanics |
Peat | 30 to 40 | Soil Mechanics |
Sand | 10 to 15 | Soil Mechanics |
Sandstone | 40 to 70 | Soil Mechanics |
Shale | 30 to 50 | Soil Mechanics |
Topsoil | 30 to 40 | Soil Mechanics |
Chalk | 40-50 | Spon's |
Clay, Soft | 30-40 | Spon's |
Clay, Stiff | 10-20 | Spon's |
Gravel | 20-25 | Spon's |
Rock, Unweathered | 50-60 | Spon's |
Rock, Weathered | 30-40 | Spon's |
Sand | 40-50 | Spon's |
Vegetable Soil and Loam | 25-30 | Spon's |
Basalt | 19 | Surface Mining |
Bauxite Ore | 12 | Surface Mining |
Caliche | 19 | Surface Mining |
Clay, Light | 8 | Surface Mining |
Coal | 19 | Surface Mining |
Copper Ore | 14 | Surface Mining |
Dolomite | 20 | Surface Mining |
Earth, Dry | 8 | Surface Mining |
Granite | 22 | Surface Mining |
Gravel, Dry | 5 | Surface Mining |
Gypsum | 27 | Surface Mining |
Iron Ore (Hematite) | 6 | Surface Mining |
Iron Ore (Magnetite) | 6 | Surface Mining |
Iron Ore (Taconite) | 27 | Surface Mining |
Limestone | 23 | Surface Mining |
Quartzite | 19 | Surface Mining |
Rock Salt | 19 | Surface Mining |
Sand, Dry | 5 | Surface Mining |
Sandstone | 20 | Surface Mining |
Shale | 12 | Surface Mining |
Slate | 11 | Surface Mining |
Trap Rock | 19 | Surface Mining |
Mudstone, Silt | 30 | Sweby, G. |
Sandstone, Coarse | 40 | Sweby, G. |
Sandstone, Fine | 50 | Sweby, G. |
Sandstone, Shaley | 30 | Sweby, G. |
Shale | 20 | Sweby, G. |
Shale, Carbonaceous | 15 | Sweby, G. |
Shale, Sandy | 25 | Sweby, G. |
Clay | 40 | Tafe Nsw |
Clay + Gravel | 18 | Tafe Nsw |
Clay Loam | 30 | Tafe Nsw |
Gravel ( 6-50mm) | 12 | Tafe Nsw |
Limestone | 67 | Tafe Nsw |
Loam | 25 | Tafe Nsw |
Sand | 12 | Tafe Nsw |
Sandstone | 54 | Tafe Nsw |
Sandy Loam | 20 | Tafe Nsw |
Bedrock | 30 | Tetra Tech |
Clay, Dense | 20 to 35 | University Of Jordan |
Loam | 15 to 25 | University Of Jordan |
Rock, Solid | 40 to 70 | University Of Jordan |
Sand and Gravel | 10 to 18 | University Of Jordan |
Clay and Gravel, Dry | 17 | University Of Wisconsin |
Clay and Gravel, Wet | 17 | University Of Wisconsin |
Clay, Dry | 26 | University Of Wisconsin |
Clay, Wet | 32 | University Of Wisconsin |
Earth, Dry | 29 | University Of Wisconsin |
Earth, Moist | 28 | University Of Wisconsin |
Earth, Wet | 23 | University Of Wisconsin |
Gravel, Dry | 17 | University Of Wisconsin |
Gravel, Wet | 13 | University Of Wisconsin |
Sand and Gravel, Dry | 12 | University Of Wisconsin |
Sand and Gravel, Wet | 10 | University Of Wisconsin |
Sand, Dry | 12 | University Of Wisconsin |
Sand, Wet | 13 | University Of Wisconsin |
Cinders | 40 to 55 | USAES 1994 |
Clay, Dry | 40 | USAES 1994 |
Clay, Wet | 40 | USAES 1994 |
Earth (Loam Silt) Dry | 15 to 35 | USAES 1994 |
Earth (Loam Silt) Wet | 25 | USAES 1994 |
Gravel, Dry | 10 to 15 | USAES 1994 |
Gravel, Wet | 10 to 15 | USAES 1994 |
Sand, Dry | 10 to 15 | USAES 1994 |
Sand, Wet | 10 to 15 | USAES 1994 |
Shale (Soft Rock) | 65 | USAES 1994 |
Trap Rock | 50 | USAES 1994 |
Clay - Dry | 40 | Wikiengineer |
Clay - Wet | 40 | Wikiengineer |
Clay and Gravel - Dry | 40 | Wikiengineer |
Clay and Gravel - Wet | 40 | Wikiengineer |
Coal, Anthracite | 35 | Wikiengineer |
Coal, Bituminous | 35 | Wikiengineer |
Earth - Dry | 25 | Wikiengineer |
Earth - Wet | 25 | Wikiengineer |
Gravel - Dry | 12 | Wikiengineer |
Gravel - Wet | 12 | Wikiengineer |
Gypsum | 74 | Wikiengineer |
Hardpan | 50 | Wikiengineer |
Limestone | 67 | Wikiengineer |
Rock - Blasted | 65 | Wikiengineer |
Sand - Dry | 12 | Wikiengineer |
Sand - Wet | 12 | Wikiengineer |
Sandstone | 54 | Wikiengineer |
Shale and Soft Rock | 65 | Wikiengineer |
Slate | 65 | Wikiengineer |
Trap Rock | 65 | Wikiengineer |
Basalt | 64 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Chalk | 50 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Clay and Gravel | 35 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Clay, (High Plasticity Index) | 40 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Clay, (Low Plasticity Index) | 30 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Granite | 72 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Gravel | 5 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Limestone | 63 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Sand | 5 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Sand & Gravel | 15 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Sandstone, Cemented | 61 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Sandstone, Porous | 60 | Wilkinson (1997) |
Shales | 50 | Wilkinson (1997) |