Number of Truckloads (Imperial Measurements)
Estimate the number of truckloads it takes to remove excavated material off-site.
This calculator will calculate the volume of excavated material using the length and width of the excavation in feet and the excavation depth from an average of four points. It will calculate the volume increase of the material using the swell/bulking percentage from Bank to Loose volume.
A dump truck holds anywhere from 10 to 14 cubic yards of material.
The Calculator
- Enter the length of the excavation (feet)
- the excavation width (feet)
- A,B,C,D the depth of excavation (feet)
- the swell/bulking percentage of the excavated material(percentage)
- truckload capacity (cubic yards)
The Results
- The volume of the excavation in cubic yards (cubic yards Bank Volume)
- the volume of the excavated material calculated with swell % (Cubic yards Loose Volume)
- Number of truckloads it takes to remove the material.
Excavation Calculators
Excavated Materials and Trucking
Factors, Grades, Percentages