Convert kilograms/hectolitre (kg/hl) to pounds/US bushel (lb/bu US) and pounds/Imperial bushel (lb/bu Imperial).
The US bushel is the Winchester bushel and the Imperial bushel is the Avery bushel.
one bushel (bu) US = 0.352390701668801 hectolitres (hl) one bushel (bu) Imperial = 0.3636872 hectolitres (hl) one pound (lb avdp) = 0.45359237 kilograms (kg) one kg/hL = 0.45359237 ÷ 0.352390701668801 = 1.287185978097443 lb/bu US one kg/hL = 0.45359237 ÷ 0.3636872 = 1.247204658288771 lb/bu Imperial