Round Grain Bin Capacity Imperial Bushels
Canada uses the Imperial ( Avery) bushel, which has a volume of 1.284349 cubic feet. In comparison The United States uses the Winchester bushel , which has a volume equal to 1.244456 cubic feet.
The weight of a bushel is a measure of the grain's density, usually expressed in pounds per bushel (lb/bu) and kilograms per hectolitre (kg/hL).
Grain Bin; Round Imperial Bushels
- enter the diameter of the bin in feet
- the height of the bin
- the slope of the roof preset @ 30°
- the weight of one bushel
- the height of the peak in feet
- the volume of the bin in cubic feet
- the capacity of the bin in Imperial bushels
- grain weight in pounds
- the grain weight in metric tonnes
Bins and Hoppers
Number of Bushels
Grain Calculators