Spike's Calculators

Round Grain Bin with Hopper Imperial Bushels

Round Grain Bin with Hopper Capacity US Bushels

Calculate the volume and capacity of a round grain bin with a hopper.

Bushel as Volume Measurement
Imperial ( Avery) bushel has a volume of 1.284349 cubic feet.
Winchester bushel has a volume of 1.244456 cubic feet.
Bushel as a Weight

The weight of a bushel is a measure of the grain's density, usually expressed in pounds per bushel (lb/bu) and kilograms per hectolitre (kg/hL).

Grain Bin; Round with Hopper Imperial Bushels

Diameter ft
Bin Height ft
Hopper Height ft
Slope of Roof °
Bushel Weight lbs


Peak Height ft
Cubic Feet ft³
Hopper Capacity bu Imp
Imperial Bushels bu Imp
Weight lbs
Metric Tons tonnes (t)


  1. enter the diameter of the bin in feet
  2. the height of the bin
  3. the slope of the roof preset @ 30°
  4. the weight of one bushel


  1. the height of the peak in feet
  2. the volume of the bin in cubic feet
  3. the capacity of the bin in Imperial bushels
  4. grain weight in pounds
  5. the grain weight in metric tonnes
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