This US Bushels Per Acre to Imperial Bushels Per Hectare Calculator allows users to quickly and accurately convert crop yield measurements from US bushels per acre to Imperial bushels per hectare. The calculator provides users with precise conversions, ensuring accurate agricultural data interpretation.
the US bushel is the Winchester bushel, and the Imperial bushel is the Avery bushel.
one hectare (ha) = 2.47105381467165 acres (ac) one bushel (bu) US 0.968938971920928 bushels (bu) Imperial The conversion factor for (bu US/ha) to (bu Imp/ac); 2.47105381467165 * 0.968938971920928 = 2.3943003427492359013100832912 One bu US/ac = 2.3943 bu Imp/ha
This tool is useful for farmers, agronomists, and agricultural professionals who must convert crop yields from US to Imperial measurements.