Spike's Calculators

US Bushels Per Hectare to Imperial Bushels Per Acre

Convert a number of US bushels per hectare (bu US/ha) to Imperial bushels per acre (bu Imp/ac)

one acre (ac) = 0.404685642240001 hectares (ha)
one bushel (bu) US 0.968938971920928 bushels (bu) Imperial
The conversion factor for (bu US/ha) to (bu Imp/ac);
0.404685642240001 * 0.968938971920928 = 0.392115690143187043115770640928
One bu US/ha = 0.392 bu Imp/ac

Note: the US bushel is the Winchester bushel, and the Imperial bushel is the Avery bushel.

US Bushels Per Hectare to Imperial Bushels Per Acre

US Bushels Per Hectare bu US/ha
Decimal Precision #


Imperial Bushels Per Acre bu Imp/ac


  1. enter a number of US bushels per hectare amount
  2. decimal precision, the number of digits after the decimal point


  1. US bushels per hectare converted to Imperial bushels per acre
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