Multiple Feet and Inches Addition Calculator
The Feet and Inches Addition Calculator allows you to input multiple measurements in feet, inches, and fractional inches and add them together to calculate a total measurement.
Feet and Inches Addition Calculator
- specify the number of measurements you need to add together (e.g., 7 fields)
- for each of the fields: enter the number of feet as a whole or decimal number and the inches as a whole number, fraction (e.g., 3/4), or mixed number (e.g., 5 1/2)
Note: If you use a decimal value for feet you can not use the inches!
- the result of the addition in decimal inches
- the result in inches
- the result of the addition in decimal feet
- the result in feet
This calculator simplifies the process of adding feet, inches, and fractional measurements, making it easy to combine multiple measurements accurately.