
Fencing a Rectangular Shaped Acreage Calculator

Spike VM

This calculator will calculate the amount of wire and post needed to fence a larger area measured in acres. It is assumed that the acreage is in a shape of a rectangle.

Post count is based on lineal feet plus one post.

Number of Acres acre
Width of Acreage ft
Wire Roll Length ft
Number of Strands in Fence #
Post Spacing ft


The Length of the Acreage >ft
Perimeter of Acreage ft
Rolls Needed #
Post Needed #

The Calculation

  1. enter the number of acres
  2. the width of the acreage (in feet)
  3. how much wire on one roll ( in feet)
  4. the number of strands
  5. the spacing of the post (in feet)

The Results

  1. the length of the acreage
  2. the perimeter of the fence in lineal feet
  3. # of rolls of wire needed
  4. the amount of post needed
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