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Moisture Content Wet Basis

Moisture content (MC) is the percentage of water in a substance.

Wet basis MC is the amount of water in a solid, expressed as the weight of water in a percentage of the wet solid. Wet-based moisture content is commonly used to describe the water content in pulp, paper, agricultural and food products.

Wet Basis Moisture Content:
MCwet % = 100 x (wet weight - dry weight) / wet weight
Moisture Content % Measured On A Wet Basis
The mass of water as a percentage of the total mass of solid and water.
Maximum moisture content measured on a wet basis is always less than 100%
MCwet% = 100 * (wet weight-dry weight)/wet weight
Wet Weight lbs
Dry Weight lbs


Wet Basis MC % MCwet%
Conversion from MC% Wet to Dry MC%
Moisture content can be measured based on wet basis or dry basis.
If the wet basis moisture content %(MCwet) is known it can be converted to dry basis moisture (MCdry) content percentage.
MCdry% = MCwet/(100-MCwet)*100;
Wet Basis MC % MCwet%


Dry Basis MC % MCdry%
Calculating Green Weight from Dry Weight and MCwet%
MCwet% is always less than 100%
green weight = dry weight + dryweight * (MCwet/(100-MCwet)*100)
Dry Weight lbs
Wet Base Moisture % MCwet %


Wet Weight lbs
Weight of Water lbs
Amount of Water in Gallons US gal
Dry Base Moisture % MCdry%
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