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Foot/Inch/Fraction to Decimal Format Conversion

Foot/Inch/Fraction to Decimal Format Conversion Calculator. AI generated

The Foot/Inch/Fraction to Decimal Format Conversion Calculator offers four calculators on one page, converting specific measurement inputs into decimal format. These calculators are essential for precision work in construction, carpentry, or DIY projects.

Foot/Inch/Fraction to Decimal Conversion Calculator

Foot ft
Inch in n
Decimal Precision #


Decimal Format ft


  1. enter the whole number of feet
  2. the whole number of inches
    the numerator of the fractional part of inches
    the denominator of the fractional part of inches
  3. decimal precision, the number of digits after the decimal point


  1. the decimal value in feet

Foot/Inch to Decimal Conversion Calculator

Foot Value ft
Inch Value in
Decimal Precision #


Decimal Result ft


  1. enter the whole number of feet
  2. the whole number of inches
  3. decimal precision, the number of digits after the decimal point


  1. the decimal value in feet

Fraction to Decimal Conversion Calculator

Numerator n
Denominator d
Decimal Precision #


Decimal in
Decimal value in feet ft


  1. enter the numerator of the fraction
  2. the denominator of the fraction
  3. decimal precision, the number of digits after the decimal point


  1. decimal value in inches
  2. decimal value in feet

Inch Plus Fraction to Decimal Conversion Calculator

Inch in n
Decimal Precision #


Decimal value in inches in
Decimal value in Feet ft


  1. enter the whole number of inches
  2. the numerator of the fractional part of inches
    the denominator of the fractional part of inches
  3. decimal precision, the number of digits after the decimal point


  1. decimal value in inches
  2. decimal value in feet

These tools simplify conversions and ensure precise measurements, which is critical for professional and personal projects.

Convert foot, inch and fraction of an inch to decimal format.

7'4 5/16"
# of feet = 7'
# of inches = 4"
Fractional Inch = 5/16"
7'4 5/16" in decimal format = 7.359

Convert Inch and Fraction to decimal format.

This calculator converts inch and fractions of an inch to decimal format.
3 3/8"
# of Inches = 3
Numerator of fraction = 3
Denominator of fraction = 8
3 3/8" in decimal format = 3.375

There is no conversion needed for the Foot value
To covert inch to decimal = inch/12
To convert a fraction = numerator/denominator.
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