Various calculators designed to handle conversions and calculations involving fractions, decimals, feet, and inches. Whether you're converting measurements, performing arithmetic operations, or working on construction or DIY projects, these tools ensure precise results.
Feet and inches are based on a system where 1 foot equals 12 inches. The difference is that a foot is divided into 12 inches, while decimals divide values into 10 equal parts. Feet remain consistent in both systems, but inches are divided into twelfths, whereas decimals divide measurements into tenths.
Feet and Inches (Decimals): When working with feet and inches in decimal form, measurements are represented as decimal values rather than fractions. For example, instead of writing 5 feet 6 inches as 5' 6", it could be written as 5.5 feet because 6 inches is half a foot (6 ÷ 12 = 0.5). Decimal feet make performing arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, or multiplication easier.
In decimal (base 10), 16/16 equals one because any number divided by itself equals 1, a rule that applies universally.
In the feet and inches system, where 1 foot equals 12 inches, 16/16 does not directly apply to feet since a foot is divided into 12 parts, not 16. However, inches can be divided into smaller parts, such as 1/16 of an inch, and 16/16 of an inch equals 1 inch.
Therefore, while 16/16 equals 1 in both systems, the difference is in what you measure. In the feet and inches system, you're dividing inches; in the decimal system, you're dividing a general unit like a whole number.
Fractions can be used for feet, but it's uncommon. For example, 2 1/8' means 2 feet and 1/8 of a foot. However, using fractions for inches rather than feet is more typical. In construction and measurements, feet are usually represented as whole numbers, and inches are divided into fractions (e.g., 2' 3/8"). If you want to express part of a foot, it's usually converted to inches. For example, 1/8 of a foot equals 1.5 inches (since 1/8 * 12 inches = 1.5 inches).