The Calculation
- enter the total rise in feet or inches
- number of risers you wish to calculate for (option one)
- number of risers you wish to calculate for (option two)
The Results
- the total rise in decimal feet
- the total rise in inches
- riser height for option one
- riser height for option two
Most of the time, the actual fraction result is not very useful. To keep the fraction usable, it is preset at 16, meaning the fraction's denominator will be no larger than a 16th inch. By forcing the fraction to a usable denominator, there can be a small error in the result, and when you multiply the result by the number of risers needed, the result can be slightly off. It is an excellent plan to recalculate the riser result by the number of risers and compare it to the "total rise in inches" result. If there is a slight difference in results, you can quickly fix it by adjusting the riser heights accordingly.