Height in Metres

Height Measurements

Convert your height in metres to other units used for measuring one's height.

If you know how tall you are in metres you can convert these metres to other units used for human body height.

Your Height in Metres to Other Units

Your Height in Metres m


Your Height in Centimetres cm
Height in Decimal Inches in
Height in Inches in
Height in Decimal Feet ft
Your Height in Feet ft
Height in Feet and Inches ft in


  1. enter your height in metres


  1. your height in centimetres
  2. your height in decimal inches
  3. your height in inches plus fraction
  4. your height in decimal feet
  5. your height in feet plus fraction
  6. your height in feet and inches

one metre (m) = 100 centimetres (cm)
one metre (m) = 39.3700787401575 inches (in)
one metre (m) = 3.28083989501312 feet (ft)

Height Calculators

Find out how tall you are in various units used to measure the height of humans.
Starting unit:
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