Insulating Using Blown Insulation - Metric Measurements
Calculate the RSI value, the metric equivalent of the R value for blown insulation. To convert an R value to RSI divide the R value by 5.67826.
Attic/Ceiling Insulation-Blown/Plus Cost Metric Measurements
The Calculation
- the length of the area (metres)
- the width of the area (metres)
- the coverage of one bag (cubic metres)
- RSI value based on 25.4 millimetres depth (settled)
- the desired RVI value
- the cost of one bag
- the square metres of the area
- applied depth of insulation (the height of placing the insulation before it settles in millimetres)
- required depth of insulation (settled depth in millimetres)
- volume of insulation needed (in cubic metres)
- number of bags needed (# whole plus partial bags)
- cost of the material (based on whole bags needed)
Interior Finishing
Board and Tape
Ceiling Tiles
Paint and Wallpaper