Interior Finishing
Dropped (Suspended) Ceiling Materials
Estimate the number of materials you need for your dropped (suspended) ceiling.
Calculation of material is based on measurements, but the actual amounts needed could differ depending on how you layout the grid. Quite often, you are not able to use full-lengths. For instance, if you need four runs of 13' main T's, based on lineal feet needed, you should do this with 5 x 12' lengths. The ends of the main's clip together to make levelling more effortless, and in this case, it would be easier to budget to waste the 8' leftovers and get 6 of these lengths. The leftover 8' would not be a total waste as you can use them for the smaller cross T's. Alternately, with a bit of creative cutting, you could create a new end that can clip into another section.
- Always round the room lengths up to the nearest whole foot value. It will accept decimal values.
- Wire support anchors are based on 4 per length of the main T bar, and you may require a few more.
- The amount of tie wire needed is based on a number of support anchors, drop of the ceiling in inches and an additional 4" per individual length.
- It is important to use the corresponding length for A and B values according to the ceiling joist direction.
Suspended Ceiling
The Calculation
The drop of the ceiling. Preset @ 4"
Main T bar's and the perimeter trim's can come in different lengths
Main T bar length is preset @ 12' and the perimeter trim @10'.
- select tile size ( either 24" x 24" or 24" x 48")
- enter ceiling length A (the length measured perpendicular to the direction of the joist)
- enter ceiling length B (the length measured along the direction of the joist)
- perimeter of the ceiling
- square footage of the ceiling
- number of row's of main T bars
- number of tiles needed
- perimeter trim lengths needed
- main T bar lengths needed
- 4' T bars needed
- 2' T bars needed
- minimum amount of wire support anchors needed (for supporting the grid)
- amount of tie wire in lineal feet
Interior Finishing
Board and Tape
Ceiling Tiles
Paint and Wallpaper