
Measuring the Water Flow from a Tap in Gallons per Minute

Open the tap full blast, place the container underneath the flow and time the amount of time it takes, in seconds, to fill the container.
Example: 5 gallon bucket takes 15 seconds to fill
5 gallons --- 15 seconds = 5 / 15 * 60 = 20 gallons per minute average flow rate

Alternately you can take a certain amount of time and then measure the amount of water in the container.
Example: 5-gallon container placed under the water flow (full blast) for 10 seconds, remove the container and then measure the amount of water in the bucket. If you are using a measuring cup you need to convert this to gallons. One cup = 0.0625 US Gallons. If in 10 seconds you have 48.5 cups of water you have 48.5 * 0.00625 = 3.03 US gallons of water in your container. Enter 3.03 under container size and 10 seconds in the time it takes to fill the container.
3.03 US gallons---10 seconds = 3.03 / 10 * 60 = 18.18 US Gallons per minute average flow rate

To get a more accurate result all other water sources in the house should be turned off.

Flow Output of Water Tap

Container Size US Gallons
Time to Fill Seconds


Flow Rate US gpm
Flow Rate US gph


  1. enter the size of your container (in US gallons)
  2. the time it takes to fill the container in (seconds)


  1. flow rate in US gallons per minute
  2. flow rate in US gallons per hour

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