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Forestry Calculators

Forestry calculators are helpful tools that can help people in the forestry industry with various tasks. Some standard forestry calculators include volume, weight, and tree height calculators. Volume calculators can help foresters determine the volume of a tree or a stand of trees, which can help estimate timber yields. Weight calculators can help foresters estimate the weight of logs or other forest products, which can be necessary for transportation and pricing. Tree height calculators can help foresters determine the height of a tree, which can help estimate the tree's age and growth rate. Many different forestry calculators are available online and can be an excellent resource for anyone working in the forestry industry.

Board Foot Log Rule Calculators

A board foot log rule calculator is a tool used to estimate the board footage of a log. There are several online calculators available that can help you determine the board footage of a log based on its diameter and length. Some popular calculators include the International 1/4-inch Log Rule Calculator, the Doyle Log Rule Calculator, and the Scribner Log Rule Calculator.

Cubic Volume Log Rule Calculators

A cubic volume log rule calculator is a tool used to estimate the volume of a log in cubic feet or cubic meters. These calculators are commonly used by foresters, loggers, and sawmill operators to determine how much lumber can be harvested from a log. Several online cubic volume log rule calculators can help you estimate the log volume based on its diameter, length, and other variables, such as taper. Some popular calculators include Smalian's Formula Calculator and Huber's Formula Calculator.

Log Weight and Volume Calculators

Log weight calculators are tools used to estimate the weight of a log. These calculators can help you determine the weight of a log based on its dimensions, such as diameter, length, and species. These calculators are commonly used by loggers, foresters, and sawmill operators in the lumber industry to estimate the weight of logs for transportation and processing purposes.

Proportion: Area Basis Conversions

Calculators that convert between amounts per square area are valuable tools for various applications. These calculators can help you convert between different units of measurement for amounts per square area yield per acre. If you're a farmer looking to estimate the yield of a crop per acre, you can use a calculator to convert between different units of measurement for yield.

Proportion: Number Basis Conversions

Calculators that convert between amounts per square area.

Proportion: Volume Basis Conversions

The cubic volume of trees in a woodlot with conversions between different areas.

Stems, Girth, Diameter and Basal Area

Stems, circumference, diameter, and basal area are essential in forestry, ecology, and biology measurements. A stem refers to the main trunk of a tree or plant, while girth refers to the circumference of the stem. Diameter is the width of the stem at a specific point, typically measured at breast height or 4.5 feet above the ground. Basal area is the cross-sectional area of the stem at breast height, typically measured in square feet per acre.

Standing Tree Volume

Approximate the volume of trees in board feet and cubic metres.


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