
Basal Area from Diameter in Centimetres

Spike VM

Calculate the basal area of a tree in square metres from a diameter in centimetres measured at breast height.

To calculate for one tree:
Basal area in square metres = pi * (DBHcm)² / 40000

DBH (diameter measured @ breast height), refers to the tree diameter measured at 1.3 metres above the ground.


diameter measured @ breast height = 34 centimetres
34 * 34 = 1156 * 3.14159 = 3631.67804 ÷ 40000 = 0.090791951 m²

Basal Area from Diameter in Centimetres

Diameter cm
Decimal Rounding (# of digits in result) #


Area in Square Metres


  1. diameter of tree measured @ breast height in centimetres
  2. decimal rounding preset @ 5


  1. basal area of tree in square metres
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