
Blodgett Foot Rule

Spike VM

A log rule that was used in the Northeastern United States. The Blodgett foot is also known as the New Hampshire cubic foot.
The diameter is measured mid length with calipers and double the bark thickness is deducted.

Formula used:

V = D² ÷ 16² * L
V = Blodgett feet (Bl ft)
D = diameter midlength in inches
L = log length in feet
  • Two diameter measurements shall be taken under bark at each log end perpendicular to each other (at both ends) and the final recorded diameter shall be the average of the two measurements.
  • Lengths shall be measured-along a straight line parallel to the central axis of the log and shall be recorded to the nearest lower full odd or even inch.

Haakon Dahl

Log Length ft
Log Diameter Measured Mid Length inch


Blodgett Feet Bl ft
Converted to Board Feet bf
Converted to Cubic Feet ft³


  1. enter the length of the log in feet
  2. diameter mid length of log in inches


  1. Log volume in Blodgett feet
  2. Blodgett feet converted into board feet
  3. Blodgett feet converted into cubic feet
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