
Brereton Log Rule Calculator

Spike VM

The Brereton log rule calculates the volume of a log in board feet.
This logrule does not take into account any deductions needed for saw kerf, slabs, or edgings. It gives the volume of a log in terms of board feet, calculated at one cubic foot = 12 board feet.

Two diameter measurements shall be taken under the bark at both log ends, perpendicular to each other. The final recorded diameter shall be the average of the two measurements.
Lengths shall be measured along a straight line parallel to the log's central axis and recorded to the nearest lower full odd or even inch.

Diameter Measured Inside Bark = DIB
Average = Small End plus Large End Divided by Two
Length of Log in Feet ft
DIB Average inch


Board Feet: bf


  1. enter the length of the log in feet
  2. enter the average diameter of the log in inches


  1. the estimated amount of board feet

Formula used

BF = 0.06545 * D² * L
D = the average diameter taken from both ends in inches
L = the length of the log in feet

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