
Huber's Formula - Imperial

Spike VM

To calculate the volume of a log in cubic feet using Huber's Formula, please provide the length of the log in feet and the diameter measured at the mid-section inside bark using inches. This calculator is specifically designed to use feet for length and inches for the diameter of the log.

With Huber, the diameter is measured at mid section of the log.

Huber's Formula Calculator
diameter small end + diameter large end / 2 = DIB mid section

Huber Log Rule

Diameter Measured Inside Bark = DIB
Length of Log in Feet ft
DIB Measured Mid Section inch


Volume in Cubic Feet ft³
Volume in Board Feet bf
Volume in Cubic Metres


  1. enter the length of the log in feet
  2. diameter measured inside bark, mid-section in inches


  1. the volume of the log in cubic feet
  2. the cubic feet volume converted to board feet
  3. the cubic feet volume converted to cubic metres


one cubic foot (ft³) = 0.028316846592 cubic metres (m³)
one cubic foot (ft³) = 12 board feet (bf)

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