Board foot(bf) lumber calculator with conversions to cubic feet and cubic metres.
A board foot is a volume measurement used for lumber sales in North America. You can calculate board feet using the nominal values for thickness and width of lumber multiplied by its length.
One board foot is equal to a 12-inch length of 2 x 6
One board foot is equal to a 12-inch length of 1 x 12
Nominal Value of Lumber: A length of 2 x 4 has an actual size of 1 1/2" x 3 1/2". The nominal value is 2" x 4". A length of 2 x 10 has an actual size of 1 1/2" x 9 1/8". The nominal value is 2" x 10". A length of 1 x 4 has an actual size of 3/4" x 3 1/2". The nominal value is 1" x 4
Note: Use the nominal values of the lumber to calculate board feet!