Spike's Calculators

Lumber and Timber

Cubic Metre Timber Cost Calculator

Spike VM

Cubic Metre is a volume measurement used for timber sales.

One Cubic Metre of timber is equal to a length of 1 Metre, a width of 1 Metre and a thickness of 1 Metre.

1M x 1M x 1M = one cubic metre or
1000mm x 1000mm x 1000mm = one cubic metre

A Cubic Metre of timber is calculated by using the nominal value of the thickness of the timber, the nominal value of the width of the timber, multiplied by the actual length of the timber.


  1. Enter the Cubic Metre Price
  2. Click on "Add a Timber"
  3. Using millimetres enter the values of thickness and width of the board in their respective fields.
  4. Enter the board length value in metres.
  5. Enter the number of boards required.
  6. Click the calculate button

Calculated results:

The amount of cubic metres with conversions to cubic foot and board foot for the calculated item.
The price for the timber(s) calculated in this section.
The cubic foot price = the price per cubic foot for the calculated item.
The board foot price = the price per board foot for the calculated item.
The lineal metre price = the price you would pay per lineal metre for the calculated item.

Click on "Add a Timber" to calculate another piece of timber (Cubic Metre Price quoted will let you buy various dimensions of timber for that price. It will be the same price for 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 2x10, 2x12, 1x10, 1x4, etc. of the same material. The lineal price is what it would cost for each foot of the item you calculated)
The Total Cubic Metre, Cubic Feet, Board Feet and Total Price are the combined results from all your calculations.

Must be entered:

Cubic Metre Price $:  

Use this button to add Timbers to your form:

Total results will appear here:

   Total Cubic Metres:
   Total Cubic Feet:
   Total Board Feet:
   Total Price:

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