Cubic Metre is a volume measurement used for timber sales.
One Cubic Metre of timber is equal to a length of 1 Metre, a width of 1 Metre and a thickness of 1 Metre.
Example1M x 1M x 1M = one cubic metre or 1000mm x 1000mm x 1000mm = one cubic metre
A Cubic Metre of timber is calculated by using the nominal value of the thickness of the timber, the nominal value of the width of the timber, multiplied by the actual length of the timber.
Click on "Add a Timber" to calculate another piece of timber (Cubic Metre Price quoted will let you buy various dimensions of timber for that price. It will be the same price for 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 2x10, 2x12, 1x10, 1x4, etc. of the same material. The lineal price is what it would cost for each foot of the item you calculated)
The Total Cubic Metre, Cubic Feet, Board Feet and Total Price are the combined results from all your calculations.