
Comparing Cost of Bag or Bulk Material for Pavers

Spike VM

Approximate volume of a bag of Paver base is 0.5 cubic feet.

Approximate volume of a 50 lbs bag of sand you can use for laying Pavers is 0.5 cubic feet.

A cubic yard = 27 cubic feet. You would need to purchase 54 bags of these items to get one cubic yard of material.

Best place to buy would be at a gravel pit where for the price of a couple of bags you pick up a whole cubic yard. Even if you had to have a dump truck deliver a cubic yard of sand or crushed rock you would be cheaper off than purchasing it by the bag at your no longer "favourite box store"!

Square Feet of Area ft²
Depth of Paver Base Needed in.
Depth of Sand Needed in.
Volume of One Bag of Paver Base ft³
Volume of One Bag of Sand ft³
Paver Base per Bag Cost $
Sand per Bag Cost $
Paver Base Cubic Yard Cost $
Sand Cubic Yard Cost $


Paver Base Needed in Cubic Yards yd³
Sand Needed in Cubic Yards yd³
Bags of Paver Base Needed #
Bags of Sand Needed #
Cost of Paver Base if Purchased
by the Bag
Cost of Sand if Purchased
by the Bag
Cost of Paver Base if Purchased
by the Cubic Yard
Cost of Sand if Purchased by
the Cubic Yard

The Calculator

  1. enter the square footage of the area you are preparing for laying pavers
  2. enter the depth of crush required in inches
  3. enter the depth of sand required in inches
  4. enter the volume of one bag of crush (paver base)
  5. enter the volume of one bag of sand
  6. enter the price of one bag of paver base
  7. enter the price for one bag of sand
  8. enter the price of one cubic yard of crushed rock, suitable for a paver base (3/4 Minus)
  9. enter the price of one cubic yard of sand suitable for laying pavers (concrete sand)

The results

  1. paver base needed in cubic yards
  2. sand needed in cubic yards
  3. number of bags of paver base needed
  4. number of bags of sand needed
  5. cost of paver based purchased by the bag
  6. cost of sand purchased by the bag
  7. cost of paver base if purchased by cubic yard
  8. cost of sand if purchased by the cubic yard
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