Fractions to Decimal

Percent to Fraction Calculator

Convert a percent to a fraction.
  1. Divide 25 by 100 to get the decimal value of the percent = 0.25
  2. write it down as 0.25 divided by 1 = 0.25/1
  3. multiply this amount by the number 1 plus add a zero to this 1 for each digit after the decimal point (0.25 has two digits after the decimal point) = 100
  4. multiply the top and bottom by 100 = 100 * 0.25/1 = 25/100
  5. simplify this fraction by dividing top an bott0m by the highest common denominator = in this case 25 = 25/100 divided by 25 = 1/4
25% in a fraction = 1/4

Percent Value %


Fraction #


  1. enter the percent value


  1. the percent value in a fraction
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