Gambrel Roof Asphalt Shingles

Spike's Calculators

The Gambrel Roof Asphalt Shingles Calculator is essential for determining the exact number of asphalt shingles required for your gambrel roof project. By inputting your building's dimensions, overhangs, roof pitch, and waste percentage, this calculator accurately calculates roof area, ridge length, roof angle, roof slope, and the total number of shingle bundles needed.

Gambrel style roof
As a note:

One pack of standard shingles = covers 33 sq. ft. a pack.

However, with all the different types available, not all packs are equal in the number of pieces they contain, the length of the individual shingle, and the square foot coverage per pack. Not all types of shingles can be used for the starter strip and the ridge capping needed, or you could use ridge caps to cover the top ridge and the hips. That is why this calculator requires "the square foot one pack will cover," the results for starter strip and ridge capping are in lineal feet needed for those two items and are not included in the Total Packs Needed.

Shingles Calculator

Building Length ft inch
Building Width ft inch
Eaves Overhang inch
Gable Overhang inch
Wall to Upper Pitch Start ft inch
Upper Roof Pitch /12
Lower Roof Pitch /12
Coverage of One Pack ft²
Waste %


Roof Area ft²
Ridge Length lineal ft
Shingle Starter Strip lineal ft
Shingles Needed to Cover Roof packs
Waste Factor Adds: packs
Total Shingles Needed packs


  1. enter the length of your building in feet and inches
  2. the width of your building in feet and inches
  3. the eave overhang in inches
  4. the gable overhang in inches
  5. enter the distance from the wall to the start of the upper pitch in feet and inches. (The length measured from outside the wall to where the upper slope from the Gambrel roof starts)
  6. the upper roof pitch as a ratio (e.g., 6 for a 6/12 pitch)
  7. the lower roof pitch as a ratio (e.g., 4 for a 4/12 pitch)
  8. the coverage area of one pack of asphalt shingles in square feet
  9. enter the waste factor percentage to account for cutting and fitting losses


  1. the area of the roof in square feet
  2. the length of the ridge in lineal feet
  3. the length of the starter strip needed in lineal feet
  4. the number of asphalt shingle bundles required to cover the roof area
  5. additional asphalt shingle bundles needed to account for waste
  6. the number of asphalt shingle bundles required, including waste
Gambrel Roof - Asphalt Shingles Calculator

Understanding these precise measurements is crucial for planning your roofing project. It ensures you have the right materials and a thorough understanding of your roof's geometry. The Gambrel Roof Asphalt Shingles Calculator simplifies complex calculations, providing accurate results efficiently.

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