Hip Roof Sheathing Calculator (Metric)

The Hip Roof Sheathing Calculator is designed to help you accurately estimate the number of plywood sheets required to cover a hip roof, including waste factors. This calculator works with metric units, providing calculations in square meters for roof area and estimating the number of plywood sheets needed.

The calculation is based on sheets 1200 x 2400 millimetres. One sheet = 2.88 square metres.
Hip Roof Sheathing Calculator

Hip Roof Sheathing Calculator

Building Length m
Building Width m
Eave Overhang mm
Roof Pitch in Decimal Degrees °
Waste Percentage %


Roof Area
Estimated Plywood Needed #
Waste Factor adds #
Plywood Needed Including Waste #


  1. enter the length of the building in metres
  2. the width of the building in metres
  3. the overhang of the eave in millimetres
  4. the roof pitch in decimal degrees
  5. the percentage of material waste you anticipate


  1. the area of the roof in square meters
  2. the number of plywood sheets required based on the roof area
  3. the additional sheets needed to account for waste
  4. the total number of plywood sheets required, including waste

A hip roof, also known as a hipped roof, is a type of roof where all sides slope downward to the walls, typically with a gentle slope. Unlike gable roofs with only two sloping sides, a hip roof has four sides at the top to form a ridge or a peak. The slopes are usually of equal length and meet at the corners, creating a consistent eave around the entire structure. Hip roofs are known for their stability and ability to withstand high winds, making them popular in areas prone to hurricanes or intense storms.

This calculator simplifies the process of estimating roofing materials. It ensures you have the necessary amount of plywood for your project while minimizing waste.

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