Hip Roof Asphalt Shingles - Metric

Spike's Calculators

This calculator helps you accurately estimate the number of ashphalt shingles needed for a hip roof, accounting for waste, starter strips, and ridge capping. By entering the building dimensions, eave overhang, roof pitch, and coverage per pack, you can determine the total number of shingle packs required for your project.

Calculate the Area of a Hip Roof in Square Metres Note:
With all the different types of shingles available, not all packs are equal in the amount of pieces they contain, the length of the individual shingle and the square metre coverage per pack. Not all types of shingles can be used for the starter strip and the ridge capping needed, or you could use ridge caps to cover the top ridge and the hips. This calculator requires "the square metres one pack will cover," the results for starter strip and ridge capping are in the lineal metres needed for those two items and are not included in the "Total Packs Needed."

Hip Roof Shingles Calculator

Building Length m
Building Width m
Eave Overhang mm
Roof Pitch in Decimal Degrees °
Coverage of One Pack
Waste %


Roof Area
Roof Pitch /12
Roof Slope %
Ridge Length lineal m
Shingle Starter Strip lineal m
Shingles Needed to Cover Roof packs
Waste Factor Adds: packs
Total Shingles Needed packs


  1. enter the length of the building in metres
  2. the width of the building in meters
  3. the eave overhang in millimetres
  4. the roof pitch in decimal degrees
  5. enter the coverage area of one pack of shingles in square metres
  6. a waste percentage to account for cutting and fitting


  1. the total area of the roof in square metres
  2. the roof pitch as a ratio (e.g., 6 for a 6/12 pitch)
  3. the slope of the roof expressed as a percentage
  4. the length of the ridge line in lineal metres
  5. the total length of the starter strip needed in lineal metres
  6. the number of shingle packs required to cover the roof area
  7. additional number of shingle packs needed to cover the waste factor
  8. the total number of shingle packs needed, including waste
Results for starter strip and ridge capping are in the lineal metres needed for those two items and are not included in the "Total Packs Needed."

This tool provides a comprehensive estimate of the materials needed for your hip roof project. It ensures that you purchase the correct amount of wood shingles while accounting for waste, starter strips, and ridge capping in lineal metres.

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