Hip Roof Area and Slope - Metric

Calculate the Area of a Hip Roof in Square Metres

Spike's Calculators

This calculator helps you determine a hip roof's area, ridge length, angle, and slope using metric measurements. By entering the building dimensions, eave overhang, and roof pitch, you can get accurate measurements for your roofing project.

Hip Roof

Hip Roof Square Metres Calculator

Building Length M
Building Width M
Eave Overhang mm
Roof Pitch °


Roof Area
Ridge Length M
Roof Angle /12
Roof Slope %


  1. enter the length of the building in metres
  2. the width of the building in metres
  3. the eave overhang in millimetres
  4. enter the roof pitch in decimal degrees


  1. the total area of the roof in square meters
  2. the length of the ridge line in lineal metres
  3. the angle of the roof expressed as a ratio over 12
  4. the slope of the roof expressed as a percentage

This tool provides a comprehensive and accurate way to measure your hip roof's specifications using metric measurements, ensuring you have the necessary information for your roofing project.

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