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Shed Roof Wood Shingles Calculator

Calculate the amount of wood shingles needed to roof a Shed style roof online.

Spike VM

The wood shingles calculation is based on:
Shingles coverage of one roofing square (100sqft) = 4 bundles @ 5" exposure, 1 bundle covers 25 square feet @ 5" exposure.

Shed style roof

Length B has to be the wall that slopes for this calculator to work.

Shed Roof Shingles

Building Length A ft inch
Building Length B ft inch
Side Overhang inch
Rear Overhang inch
Front Overhang inch
Roof Pitch /12
Exposure of Shingle inch
Waste %


Roof Area ft²
Roof Angle °
Roof Slope %
Shingles to Cover Roof Bundles
Added for Waste Bundles
For Starter Strip Bundles
Total Amount of
Shingles Needed:


  1. Enter the length A of the building. (feet+inches)
  2. Enter the length B of the building. (feet+inches)
  3. Enter the side overhang. (inches)
  4. Enter the rear overhang. (inches)
  5. Enter the front overhang. (inches)
  6. Enter the pitch of the roof. (rise /12")
  7. Enter the exposure of the shingle. (inches)
  8. Enter a waste factor if required (percentage)

The Results

  1. Square footage of roof.
  2. The pitch of the roof in degrees.
  3. The amount of wood shingles needed to cover the square footage.
  4. Amount of wood shingles added for the waste factor.
  5. For starter strip it adds 1 bundle for every 60 lineal feet of perimeter starter course.
  6. Total bundles needed = 3+4+5.
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