Shed Roof Square Footage and Perimeter

The Shed Roof Square Footage and Perimeter Calculator provides precise calculations for the square footage and perimeter of a shed roof using imperial units. By taking into account the dimensions of the building and roof pitch, the calculator delivers accurate measurements of the roof area, perimeter, and other important details.

Spike VM

After a flat roof, a shed roof is one of the the easiest roofs to calculate square footage of. Simplicity in form and design, the Shed roof shows up more and more in modern architecture.

Shed style roof
Length B has to be the wall that slopes for this calculator to work.

Shed Roof Square Footage and Perimeter Calculator

Building Length A ft inch
Building Length B ft inch
Side Overhang in
Front Overhang in
Rear Overhang in
Roof Pitch /12


Roof Area ft²
Roof Angle °
Roof Slope %
Lineal Length of Roof Sides ft
Roof Perimeter ft


  1. building length A in feet and/or inches
  2. building length B in feet and/or inches
  3. the side overhang in inches
  4. the overhang at the front of the building in inches
  5. the overhang at the rear of the building in inches
  6. the roof pitch as a ratio (e.g., 6 for a 6/12 pitch)


  1. the area of the roof in square feet
  2. the angle of the roof in degrees
  3. the slope of the roof in a percentage
  4. the length of the two sloped sides of the roof in lineal feet
  5. the perimeter of the roof in lineal feet

This calculator is a valuable tool for anyone involved in the design or evaluation of shed roofs. It offers key measurements needed to ensure accurate planning and construction.

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