Spike's Calculators

Spike VM's Timber Volume and Capacity Conversions

Hectolitres to Barrels Liquid US

Convert hectolitre (hl) to barrels (bbl) liquid US

Conversion Factor
From the table below the calculator:
one hectolitre (hl) = 0.838641436057614 barrels (bbl) liquid US

Hectolitres (hl) to Barrels (bbl) liquid US

Hectolitres hl
Decimal Rounding #


Barrels bbl liquid US
Scientific Notation bbl liquid US


  1. enter the number of hectolitres
  2. decimal precision (number of decimals in result)


  1. hogsheads converted to barrels
  2. result in scientific notation
one hectolitre (hl) = 1623073.08968846 minims (min) US 
one hectolitre (hl) = 27051.2181614744 dram (fl dr)
one hectolitre (hl) = 20288.4136211058 teaspoons (tsp) US
one hectolitre (hl) = 6762.8045403686 tablespoons (tbsp) US
one hectolitre (hl) = 2254.26818012287 shots (jig) US
one hectolitre (hl) = 845.350567546075 gills (gi) US
one hectolitre (hl) = 422.675283773038 cups (cp) US
one hectolitre (hl) = 3381.4022701843 ounces fluid (fl oz) US
one hectolitre (hl) = 211.337641886519 pints (pt) liquid US
one hectolitre (hl) = 132.086026179074 fifths US
one hectolitre (hl) = 105.668820943259 quarts (qt) liquid US
one hectolitre (hl) = 26.4172052358148 gallons (gal) US
one hectolitre (hl) = 0.838641436057614 barrels (bbl) liquid US
one hectolitre (hl) = 0.628981077043211 barrels (bbl) oil US
one hectolitre (hl) = 0.419320718028807 hogsheads (Hhd) US
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