Total Cost From the Square Metre Price / The per Square Metre Price from Total Cost
You can use these calculators to calculate the total cost from a per square metre price or the square metre price from the total cost.
Per Square Metre Price from the total Cost
Calculate the per-square metre price from the total cost and the square metres of the area.
- enter the square metres of the area
- enter the total cost
- the square metre price
Price per Square Metre from the Total Cost
Calculate the per square metre price from the total cost and the area measurements.
- enter the length of the area in metres
- enter the width or height of the area in metres
- enter the total cost
- the per square metre price
Total Cost from per Square Metre Price
Calculate the total cost from the per-square metre price and the square metres of the area.
- enter the square metres
- enter the square metre price
- the total cost
Total Cost from a Square Metre Price and Area Measurements
Calculate the total cost from a per squarer metre price and the area measurements.
- enter the length of the area in metres
- enter the width or height of the area in metres
- enter the square metre price
- the total cost