Cone Tank - Feet

Cone Tank

Calculate the volume, capacity, and surface area of a cone-shaped tank. This calculator uses feet for measurements.

Approximate weight of Fuel or Water
one US gallon of water = 8.34 pounds.
one US gallon of diesel fuel = 7.1 pounds
one US gallon of gas = 6 pounds 

Cone Tank

Height of the Tank ft in
Cone Tank Base Diameter ft in
Liquid Weight-Pounds per US Gallon lb/gal US


Tank Volume:
In Cubic Feet ft³
In Cubic Inches in³
In Cubic Metres
Tank Capacity:
In US Gallons gal US
In Imperial Gallons gal Imperial
In Litres L
Liquid Weight and Surface Area
Weight of Liquid lbs
Surface Area in Square Inches in²
In Square Feet ft²
In Square Millimetres mm²
In Square Metres


  1. the height in inches
  2. the cone's base diameter in feet
  3. the weight of the liquid in pounds per US gallon


  1. the volume of the cone tank in cubic feet
  2. he volume in cubic inches
  3. the volume in cubic metres
  4. the tank capacity in US gallons
  5. the capacity in Imperial gallons
  6. the capacity in litres
  7. full tank liquid weight based on lbs/gal US
  8. the surface area of the tank in square inches
  9. the surface area in square feet
  10. the surface area in square millimetres
  11. the surface area in square metres

V = 1/3𝝅(B/2)²H
where V is the volume of the cone
𝝅 = 3.14159265
B the  diameter at the base of the cone 
H the height of the cone 
one cubic foot (ft³) = 1728 cubic inches (in³)
one cubic foot (ft³) = 28316846.592 cubic millimetres (mm³)
one cubic foot (ft³) = 0.028316846592 cubic metres (m³)
one cubic foot (ft³) = 7.48051948051947 gallons (gal) US
one cubic foot (ft³) = 6.22883545904283 gallons (gal) Imperial
one square foot (ft²) = 144 square inches (in²)
one square foot (ft²) = 92903.04 square millimetres (mm²)
one square foot (ft²) = 0.09290304 square metres (m²)

Cone Shaped Tank/Container


Partial Filled

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