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Partial Volume in a Funnel Tank/ Container - Centimetres

Funnel Tank

Calculate the amount of liquid in a partially filled funnel tank or container. A funnel is an upside down cone.

This calculator uses centimetres for measurements.

Approximate weight of Fuel or Water
one litre of water = 1 kilogram
one litre of diesel fuel = 0.832 kilogram
one litre of gas = 0.75 kilogram

Funnel Tank/Container

Top Diameter cm
Height cm
Depth of Liquid cm
Liquid Weight-Kilograms per Litre kg/L


Tank Volume and Capacity
Cubic Centimetres cm³
Cubic Metres
Cubic Inches in³
Cubic Feet ft³
Capacity in Litres L
Amount of Liquid Inside Tank
In Litres L
In US Gallons gal US
In Imperial Gallons gal Imperial
In Cubic Metres
Weight of Liquid and Fill Amount
Weight of Liquid kg
To Fill this Tank, Add Litres


  1. enter the top diameter of the funnel in centimetres
  2. the height of the funnel in centimetres
  3. the depth of the liquid inside the tank in centimetres
  4. the weight of the liquid in kilograms per litre


  1. the volume of the funnel in cubic centimetres
  2. the volume of the tank in cubic metres
  3. the volume of the tank in cubic inches
  4. the volume of the tank in cubic feet
  5. the total amount of liquid the tank can hold in litres
  6. the amount of liquid inside the tank in litres
  7. the amount of liquid inside the tank in US gallons
  8. the amount of liquid inside the tank in Imperial gallons
  9. the amount of liquid inside the tank in cubic metres
  10. the weight of the liquid inside the tank in kilograms
  11. the amount of liquid it will take to top up this tank in litres

V =πr²d/3
where V is the volume of the tank
Π = 3.14159265
r half the tanks' diameter
d the fill height of the liquid

one cubic centimetre (cm³) = 0.001 litres (L)
one cubic centimetre (cm³) = 0.000001 cubic metres (m³)
one cubic centimetre (cm³) = 0.0000353146667214886 cubic feet (ft³)
one cubic centimetre (cm³) = 0.0610237440947323 cubic inches (in³)
one cubic centimetre (cm³) = 0.000264172052358148 gallons (gal) US
one cubic centimetre (cm³) = 0.000219969248299088 gallons (gal) Imperial

Funnel Tank/Container


Partial Filled

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