Partial Volume in a Rectangle Tank or Container - Metres
Calculate the amount of liquid in a partially filled rectangle tank or container.
This calculator uses metres for measurements.
Approximate weight of Fuel or Water
one litre of water = 1 kilogram
one litre of diesel fuel = 0.832 kilogram
one litre of gas = 0.75 kilogram
- enter the height of the rectangle tank in metres
- the length of the tank in metres
- the width of the tank in metres
- the depth of the liquid inside the tank in metres
- the weight of the liquid in kilograms per litre
- the volume of the tank in cubic metres
- the volume in cubic inches
- the volume in cubic feet
- the total amount of liquid the tank can hold in litres
- the tank's capacity in hectolitres
- the tank's capacity in US gallons
- the amount of liquid inside the tank in cubic metres
- the amount of liquid inside the tank in cubic feet
- the amount of liquid inside the tank in litres
- the amount of liquid inside the tank in hectolitres
- the amount of liquid inside the tank in US gallons
- the amount of liquid inside the tank in Imperial Gallons
- the weight of the liquid inside the tank based on kilograms per litre
- the amount of liquid it will take to top up this tank in litres
V = H*W*L
where V is the volume of the rectangle
H the tanks height
W the width of the rectangle tank
L the length of the tank
one cubic metre (m³) = 10 hectolitres (hl)
one cubic metre (m³) = 1000 litres (L)
one cubic metre (m³) = 61023.7440947323 cubic inches (in³)
one cubic metre (m³) = 35.3146667214886 cubic feet (ft³)
one cubic metre (m³) = 264.172052358148 gallons (gal) US
one cubic metre (m³) = 219.969248299088 gallons (gal) Imperial
Rectangle Shaped Tank/Container
Partial Filled