Stadium Tank - Millimetres

Stadium Tank

Calculate the volume and capacity of a stadium tank. This tank has a base in the shape of a stadium. The tank has a rectangle-shaped center with two semi-circles at the opposing ends. This calculator uses millimetres for measurement

Approximate weight of Fuel or Water
one litre of water = 1 kilogram
one litre of diesel fuel = 0.832 kilogram
one litre of gas = 0.75 kilogram

Stadium Tank - Millimetres

Width of the Stadium Tank mm
Tank Length mm
Tank Height mm
Liquid Weight-Kilograms per Litre kg/L


Tank Volume
In Cubic Millimetres mm³
In Cubic Metres
In Cubic Feet ft³
Tank Capacity
In Litres L
In US Gallons gal US
In Imperial Gallons gal Imperial
Weight of Liquid kg


  1. enter the width of the stadium tank in millimetres
  2. the length of the stadium tank in millimetres
  3. the height of the tank in millimetres
  4. the weight of the liquid in pounds per US gallon


  1. the volume of the stadium tank in cubic millimetres
  2. the tank volume in cubic metres
  3. the volume in cubic feet
  4. the capacity in litres
  5. the capacity in US gallons
  6. the capacity in Imperial gallons
  7. full tank liquid weight based on kilograms/litre

V= ((w/2)⊃𝝅+2(w/2)(L-w))h
where V is the volume of the tank
𝝅 = 3.14159265
w the width of the tank
L the tanks' length
h the height of the tank
one cubic millimetre (mm³) = 0.000000001 cubic metres (m³)
one cubic millimetre (mm³) = 0.0000000353146667214886 cubic feet (ft³)
one cubic millimetre (mm³) =  0.000001 litres (L)
one cubic millimetre (mm³) = 0.000000264172052358148 gallons (gal) US
one cubic millimetre (mm³) = 0.000000219969248299088 gallons (gal) Imperial

Stadium Tank/Container (Vertical Oval)

Stadium Tank

Partial Filled

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