Time from a Distance in Miles and Speed in Miles per Hour

Calculate the time it takes to travel a certain distance in miles based on a speed of miles per hour.

Time from Speed and Distance
Miles per Hour/Miles

Distance in Miles mi
Speed in Miles per Hour mi/hr


Distance in Kilometres km
Speed in Kilometres per Hour km/hr
Time in Decimal Hours hr
Time hour min sec


  1. enter the distance in miles
  2. the speed in miles per hour


  1. the distance in miles converted to kilometres
  2. the miles per hour converted to kilometres per hour
  3. the time in decimal hours
  4. the time in hour, minute, and second format

time = distance ÷ speed
one mile (mi) = 1.609344 kilometres (km)
one mile per hour (mi/hr) = 1.609344 kilometres per hour (km/hr)
Example Calculation
How long will it take to travel 120 miles at a speed of 45 miles per hour?
Divide the distance of  120 miles by the speed of 45 miles per hour to get the time in hours;
120 ÷ 45 =  2.666667
It will take 2.667 hours to travel the 120 miles at a speed of 45 miles per hour.
2 hr - 40 min - 0 sec

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