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Lot and Building Envelope Square Footage

This calculator calculates the square footage of a lot where the side property lines run parallel with each other. In addition it will calculate the building envelope based on building setbacks.

Lot and Building Envelope Square Footage

For the calculation to be correct you have to match the lengths a, b and c to their location in the image.
Length c ft in
Length a ft in
Length b ft in
Front Set Back ft
Rear Set Back ft
Side Set Back ft


Square Footage of Lot ft²
Square Footage of Building Envelope ft²
Perimeter of Building Lot ft

The Calculation

  1. length c
  2. length a
  3. length b
  4. front setback
  5. rear setback
  6. side setback

This second calculator can be used for a building lot where the front and back property lines run parallel with each other and it also calculates the square footage of the building envelope.

Lot and Building Envelope Square Footage

For the calculation to be correct you have to match the lengths a, b and c to their location in the image.
Length A ft in
Length B ft in
Length C ft in
Front Set Back ft
Rear Set Back ft
Side Set Back ft


Square Footage of Lot ft²
Square Footage of Building Envelope ft²
Perimeter of Building Lot ft

The Calculation

  1. length a
  2. length b
  3. length c
  4. front setback
  5. rear setback
  6. side setback
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