Spike's How To

Centimetres To Feet and Inches

Convert centimetres to feet and inches plus a fraction of an inch. To do this, you have to know the conversion factor for converting centimetres to feet.

one centimetre = 0.0328084 feet

Multiplying with this conversion factor will result in decimal feet, and it will take a few more steps to get this converted to foot and inch values.

Example Conversion

Convert 326 centimetres to feet and inches
325 * 0.0328084 = 10.66273
325 centimetres equals 10.66273 in decimal feet.
10.66273 feet
the ten before the decimal point is the whole foot value
  • subtract ten from 10.66273;
10.66273 - 10 = 0.66273
0.66273 are the inches in decimal foot format

To remove the full inches multiply the decimal foot amount of 0.66273 by 12 ( 1 foot = 12 inches)
0.66273 * 12 = 7.95276
The seven before the decimal point is the whole inch value.
  • Subtract the 7 inches from the decimal 7.95276;
7.95276 - 7 = 0.95276
0.95276 is a fraction of an inch in decimal format

Convert 0.95276 to a fraction and simplify if possible
  • Multiply the decimal 0.95276 by a one plus the required amount of "0's" to remove the decimal point.
Note: It will always be a one plus a zero for each digit after the decimal point.
The amount you are multiplying with is the fraction's denominator, and the result of the multiplication is the numerator. 0.95276 has five digits after the decimal point, 100000 will be the denominator;
  • 0.95276 has five digits after the decimal point, 100000 will be the denominator
0.95276 * 100000 = 95276
the fraction is 95276/100000, which you can simplify to 23819/25000

Add the foot and inch to this, and you end up with 10 feet 7 23819/250000 inches.

Usable Fraction
A fraction 23819/25000 is not all that useful.
It makes sense to convert it to a usable fraction.
  • Change it back to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator
23819 ÷ 250000 = 0.95276
Note: For a fraction to be usable, the denominator must be 2, 4, 8, 16, or 64, representing the increments used on a standard tape measure. The higher denominator you use, the more accurate the conversion. But in general, using 16 as the denominator will result in an acceptable conversion.
  • Multiply 0.95276 by 16, and round the result to the nearest whole number to get the numerator
0.95276 * 16 = 15.24416 rounded to 15
23819/250000 in a usable format = 15/16

Final Result

326 centimetres = 10 feet, 7 15/16" inches!

How to: convert fractions to usable ones!
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