Spike's Calculators

Spike VM's Mass/Weight Conversions

Metric and Avoirdupois Units to Troy Units Conversions

Convert Avoirdupois Drams to:

convert drams (dr advp) to grains(gr)
one drams (dr advp) = 27.34375 grains (gr)
convert drams (dr advp) to pennyweights (dwt)
one dram (dr advp) = 1.13932291666667 pennyweights (dwt)
Troy Ounces
convert drams (dr advp) to ounces (oz t)
one dram (dr advp) = 0.0569661458333332 ounces (oz t)
Troy Pounds
convert drams (dr advp) to pounds (lb t)
one dram (dr advp) = 0.00474717881944444 pounds (lb t)

Convert Avoirdupois Ounces to:

convert ounces (oz advp) to grains (gr)
one ounce (oz advp) = 437.5	 grains (gr)
convert ounces (oz advp) to pennyweights (dwt)
one ounce (oz advp) = 18.2291666666667 pennyweights (dwt)
Troy Ounces
convert ounces (oz advp) to ounces (oz t)
one ounce (oz advp) = 0.91145833333333 ounces (oz t)
Troy Pounds
convert ounces (oz advp) to pounds (lb t)
one ounce (oz advp) = 0.0759548611111109 pounds (lb t)

Convert Avoirdupois Pounds to:

convert pounds (lb advp) to grains (gr)
one pound (lb advp) = 7000	grains (gr)
convert pounds (lb advp) to  pennyweights (dwt)
one pound (lb advp) = 291.666666666667	pennyweights (dwt)
Troy Ounces
convert ounces (oz advp) to ounces (oz t)
one ounce (oz advp) = 14.5833333333333 ounces (oz t)
Troy Pounds
convert ounces (oz advp) to pounds (lb t)
one ounce (oz advp) = 1.21527777777778 pounds (lb t)

Convert Grains to:

convert grains (gr) to pennyweights (dwt)
one grain (gr) = 0.0416666666666667 pennyweights (dwt)
Troy Ounces
convert grains (gr) to ounces (oz t)
one grain (gr) = 0.00208333333333333 ounces (oz t)
Troy Pounds
convert grains (gr) to pounds (lb t)
one grain (gr) = 0.000173611111111111 pounds (lb t)

Convert Grams to:

convert milligrams (mg) to grains (gr)
one gram (g) = 15.4323583529414 grains (gr)
convert milligrams (mg) to pennyweights (dwt)
one gram (g) = 0.64301493137256 pennyweights (dwt)
Troy Ounces
convert grams (g) to ounces (oz t)
one gram (g) = 0.0321507465686279 ounces (oz t)
Troy Pounds
convert grams (g) to pounds (lb t)
one gram (g) = 0.002679228880719 pounds (lb t)

Convert Kilograms to:

convert kilograms (kg) to grains(gr)
one kilogram (kg) =	15432.3583529414 grains (gr)
convert kilograms (kg) to pennyweights (dwt)
one kilogram (kg) =	643.01493137256 pennyweights (dwt)
Troy Ounces
convert kilograms (kg) to ounces (oz t)
one kilogram (kg) =	32.1507465686279 ounces (oz t)
Troy Pounds
convert kilograms (kg) to pounds (lb t)
one kilogram (kg) =	2.679228880719 pounds(lb t)

Convert Milligrams to:

convert milligrams (mg) to grains (gr)
one milligram (mg) = 0.0154323583529414 grains (gr)
convert milligrams (mg) to pennyweights (dwt)
one milligram (mg) = 0.00064301493137256 pennyweights (dwt)
Troy Ounces
convert milligrams (mg) to ounces (oz t)
one milligram (mg) = 0.0000321507465686279 ounces (oz t)
Troy Pounds
convert milligrams (mg) to pounds (lb t)
one milligram (mg) = 0.000002679228880719 pounds (lb t)
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