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Hay Bale Value and Dry Content (Metric)

Hay Bale Value and Dry Content, AI created image

The Hay Bale Value and Dry Content Calculator (Metric) is designed to help you calculate the value of hay bales in kilograms based on bale weight, price per bale, and moisture content. The calculator provides two sets of results: one for the standard 15% moisture content and another for the user-defined moisture content. This helps you accurately determine the amount of dry matter in a bale and the price per kilogram.

Hay Bale Value and Dry Content Calculator (Metric)

Bale Weight: kg
Price of Hay in Bale: $
Enter Your Moisture Content: %


Results for 15% Moisture Content

Water Content: kg
Dry Matter Content: kg
Price Per kg of Dry Matter: $

Results for Your Moisture Content

Water Content: kg
Dry Matter Content: kg
Value Per Bale: $


  1. enter the weight of the hay bale in kilograms
  2. the price of the bale of hay
  3. the current moisture percentage of the bale


  1. the weight of the water in the bale at 15% moisture content
  2. the amount in kilograms of dry matter in the bale at 15% moisture content
  3. the price per kilogram of dry matter based on the price of the bale and its dry matter content at 15% moisture
  4. the amount of water in the bale at your moisture content
  5. the dry matter weight of the bale based on your moisture content
  6. the value of the bale, based on the price per kilogram of dry matter from the 15% reference and adjusted for your moisture content

This calculator is ideal for farmers and agricultural suppliers who need to accurately evaluate the value of hay bales based on their moisture content and dry matter.

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